
What is an SSL certificate?

01.10.21 | Tagged as: Layman's Terms

Website visitors have certain expectations about what they are going to see when they browse websites.

A padlock in the address bar is one of these things, and this is displayed when an SSL certificate has been installed on a website.


Websites are a marathon, not a sprint

20.09.21 | Tagged as: Insight

A successful website starts with a great design and great development process.

Once it has launched, then a long term strategy is required in order to guarantee it’s success.


What is SEO?

13.09.21 | Tagged as: Layman's Terms

Once you’ve got your website, you’ll want to get an SEO strategy in place.

Without one, it will be impossible to generate free / organic traffic to your site.

Luckily SEO isn’t complicated but it does require a consistent and disciplined approach.


Websites are an investment

06.09.21 | Tagged as: Insight

It’s natural to want to keep an eye on your website budget, but remember your website is an investment.

Used correctly, your website will generate your business money, so you need to understand how to calculate your ROI (Return On Investment).


Websites need to build trust

31.08.21 | Tagged as: Insight

When you have a website, you need it to build trust with your visitors.

Without building trust, it is highly unlikely that your visitors will become loyal, paying customers.


What is a CMS?

20.08.21 | Tagged as: Layman's Terms

When it comes to your website, your CMS will either be your best friend or your worst enemy.

It will have a huge impact on the success of your online venture, so make sure you get it right.


The forgiving nature of websites

06.08.21 | Tagged as: Insight

If you’re looking to start your first website project or feel perhaps you’re not very tech savvy, then publishing your content live for the world to see may seem like a daunting task.

Luckily that’s not the case.


Commissioning a new website

21.07.21 | Tagged as: Insight

Commissioning a new website can be a daunting task.

We highlight a few key areas that require some thought before you go out and obtain some website quotes.


WeCreate launches new website

09.07.21 | Tagged as: News

It’s been 5 years since we last refreshed our site which is a long time in the web design and development world.