We turn visuals into fast, maintainable, pixel perfect code and give you complete control over your website content.

When it comes to web development and building your website, the below come as standard with us.

Mobile Friendly / Responsive Websites

All of our websites are mobile friendly / responsive.

You can be confident that regardless of the device that your visitors are using to visit your site, e.g. laptop, tablet, mobile, they will get a consistent but tailored experience.

Content Mangement System (CMS)

Web development is also the point at which we integrate your CMS into your website which will allow you to update your site as and when you see fit and with ease.

If you have a device with an internet connection then you can update your site.

We use WordPress as our CMS of choice.  This is because it is:

  • Fast to develop with.
  • Easy to maintain.
  • Incredibly intuitive for the person who will be udpating the site.
  • The most SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) friendly CMS.  Think lots of organic traffic from Google.

Development Sites

You won’t have to wait till the day before your site goes live to see how your website looks.

We allow you to track the development of your website from the very beginning rather then waiting for a big reveal at the end.

This approach is great because because it allows you to see how your website is progressing, test it and feedback to us.

Compressing Code

Where possible we compress the code we upload to the server.  This reduces the amount of calls made to the server and speeds up the site.

Image Optimisation

As standard we optimise all of your images before uploading them to your site.  This allows your site to load quicker which keeps your visitors happy.

Google Analytics / Google Search Console

If you want to track visitors to your sites via Google Analytics then you’ll be pleased to hear that we add this as standard.

Google Search Console allows you to make smart decisions as to what content is and isn’t working for your site.  It can also reveal some unexpected niche areas that can generate additional traffic for you.

Social Media Integration

We can of course integrate your social media account into your site although we recommend that you take a look at our article on why that might not be such a great idea.

Anything else you fancy?

Maybe you want some animations, perhaps you’re looking to start a blog, online community or ecommerce store.

Whatever your requirements, we can fulfill them.

Take a look at our portfolio to see what you can expect from us.

How we work

You don’t necessarily have to have had your website designed with us although of course we offer that service.

We’re more than happy to develop websites based on a set of visuals that are supplied to us.

Once a set of finalised visuals has been created / received, we will create a development site on day one that allows you to see how we are progressing with your build.

We are also able to provide you with early access to your CMS (Content Management) should deadlines be tight, so that you can populate your content whilst we finish the build.

Once everyone is happy that everything is as it should be, we will make your site live.

We do offer hosting services or you may prefer to choose your own hosting which we will then deploy the live site too.

Interested in working with us? Simply fill in the form below or give us a call on 07877878967 or drop us an email at hello@wecreatedesign.co.uk

A selection of our web development projects

Albert Fields

RBC Customs
