Web design agency in Reading

Websites are essential for all businesses. Regardless of what your business does, you’ve probably realised that a website is going to be an integral part of your businesses success.

If you don’t have one, your missing out on business.

If you have a bad one, it’s losing you business.

However, if you have a modern looking website that gives a great first impression, has clear calls to action and makes it easy for potential clients to get in touch, then your website will generate money for you.

Great web design generates business

You may not be a designer but you know a good website when you see one.

A good website design instantly builds a feeling of trust with a potential client.

It shows you have invested money in your business and makes people want to use your services.

Web design agencies such as ours ensure that this is exactly the kind of experience that your website will generate.

Even if your business is considered a ‘dry’ subject, it is still possible to deliver a stunning looking website that is in keeping with your brand but blows away your competition.

How do we ensure your website design will generate your business money?

Your website design will need to encapsulate your brand. If you are unhappy with your existing brand then this is something that we can help you out with too.

It needs to be industry relevant but also make you stand out within your industry.

As web designers we will research your industry, your competition and also get very familiar with your products and services.

This combined with the skills of our experienced graphic designer ensures that the visuals that are produced for your website will deliver you a money making online presence.

Great website design isn’t all just about looking good

Of course the aesthetics of the site are hugely important but great web design also has another element to it.

Believe it or not, visitors to a well designed site can be led down a path of your choosing.

Ultimately there will be an action that you want your visitor to take when they arrive on your website and a great website design will naturally draw the user’s eye towards that action and what has gone before, will make them want to take it.

Great website design considers mobile as well as more traditional devices

If you have a website then it is more likely to be accessed via mobile phone.

Therefore your website design has to take that into account.

It needs to look great on a desktop but also on a mobile phone or tablet.

In the not too distant past it was not uncommon to have a separate website for your users based on the device that they were using.

This was costly in terms of development and could lead to inconsistency in the website depending on how it was accessed.

Modern websites are now reponsive / mobile friendly, meaning that they adapt to the device that is being used to access it.

So how do you choose a web design agency?

We don’t have blinkers on. We know all of our clients go to a number of web design agencies before choosing someone to work with.

From speaking with them, we know the following is important to them.

  • A good and varied portfolio of work. You can see our portfolio here.
  • Good and punctual communications that demonstrate the agency knows what they are talking about.
  • Clear and concise project estimates. This doesn’t mean that it has to be the cheapest but that it’s broken down in a way that means a website project can be phased or individual elements can be dropped if cost is deemed too high.
  • The website of the design agency itself.

We’d be delighted to talk to you about your next website project so please give us a call on 0118 957 6290 or fill in our form below.