Like it or loathe it, everyone is on social media.
Therefore there is a permanent and large captive audience just waiting to be marketed to.
Let’s say you have 1000 contacts on Facebook for instance and each of those contacts in turn has 1000 contacts.
That’s an audience of one million people right at your fingertips.
I have nothing to say
I get it. It feels cheesy to write content for say Twitter, you’re not that good at blowing your own trumpet.
What should help is that your competitors are doing it.
And the reason they’re doing it is because there is a limitless 24/7 audience out there waiting to be taken to your website.
Yes it has to be of interest, yes it has to be relevant and yes it might seem boring to Joe Average.
But if you demonstrate expertise in your field then that will filter out the high value customers that you want to come to your site.
Remember we don’t care about volume of traffic, we care about quality of traffic.
I don’t know how to use social media
Social media can seem daunting if you’re not used to it.
But it’s a very gentle learning curve because the big social media companies make it as easy as possible for people in order to increase their user base.
I don’t have the time
Quite honestly if you don’t have the time for social media, then don’t be on there.
There’s nothing worse then seeing an out of date social media account. It’s actually harmful for your business.
But don’t think that you have to be on every social media channel.
Perhaps once you see the benefits of using one then you may be willing to invest more time in some others.