“If you build it, they will come.”
Unfortunately this doesn’t work for websites.
However, build a website which is SEO friendly, get a solid SEO strategy in place and then they will come.
Remember, having a stunning looking website is just the beginning. You want people to be able to find it.
Don’t assume people know what you know!
We’ve been in the business a long time and we know that SEO isn’t complicated.
Let’s just repeat that. SEO isn’t complicated!
When you’re on the outside of anything it’s incredible how the complexity of that thing can be perceived.
Spending a little time with someone in the know can blow the subject apart.
This is not true for all subjects of course but for SEO it is 100% the case.
Organic SEO
Here at WeCreate we focus on organic traffic to your website.
We don’t dismiss paid avenues as they can be extremely beneficial but ultimately you are going to want organic traffic flowing to your site and generating revenue for you.
How do you build an SEO friendly website?
Our websites are SEO friendly from the get go.
If you’ve had a website developed by us, rest assured that your site is built with SEO in mind.
We can provide you with training to ensure that all of your content is optimised and works hard for you to drive traffic to your website.
Do I really need to worry about SEO?
If you have invested in a website, you want people to see it.
You might be the kind of person who already has a well established network and can get by on referrals and word-of-mouth.
You might be handing out hundreds of business cards every week to strong leads within your industry.
However, if that’s not the case then you really do need to invest some time into your strategy.
It isn’t complicated, promise!
SEO is not rocket science.
There are some very basic fundamentals that need to be adhered to.
The rest comes down to sheer consistency and discipline.
However, that’s actually very good news for you.
It’s fair to say that anything which takes that kind of committment is not adhered to by the majority of website owners.
Therefore there is a clear and simple path for you to steal the march on your competitors and best of all you can manage it all in house.
Once you start seeing results, which can be easily tracked, you’ll be motivated to add more content to your site.